Steeping Instructions
White & Green Teas 180 F – 190 F
Oolong & Black Teas; Yerba Mate 190 F – 200 F
Herbals & Rooibos 212 F
(Caution: For White, Green, Oolong and Black Teas – Steeping in hotter water can scald or burn these teas.)
White & Green Teas - kettle begins to make soft sounds
Oolong & Black Teas; Yerba Mate - kettle begins to hiss
Herbals & Rooibos - kettle is at a rolling boil
If using boiling water for all tea - guidelines for cooling water before steeping are:
White & Green Teas - cool boiling water for 3 minutes
Oolong & Black Teas; Yerba Mate - cool boiling water for 2 minutes
Herbals & Rooibos - use boiling water
(Amount is for an 8 oz cup of tea)
Note: Puerh should be rinsed before steeping.
White – use heaping tsp – steep for 4 – 5 minutes
Flavored White – use heaping tsp – steep for 2 – 3 minutes
Green – use 1 tsp – steep for 1 – 3 minutes
Oolong – use 1 tsp – steep for 2 – 4 minutes
Black – use 1 tsp – steep for 2 – 3 minutes
Herbal Infusions – use heaping tsp – steep for 5 – 6 minutes
Rooibos – use heaping tsp – steep for 4 – 5 minutes
Yerba Mate - use heaping tsp - steep 3 – 4 minutes
Moisten the tea in your infuser with your hot water. Wait a few seconds for the tea or herbal infusion to warm up. Then add the rest of your hot water. This will allow your tea leaves, etc to be their most flavorful.
If you want to sweeten your tea, honey is a healthier choice than sugar.
Tea can be re-steeped at least once, if not 3-4 times:An advantage of a premium quality loose leaf tea is that the tea can be re-steeped. In my experience, the Teas we carry can be re-steeped at least once, if not 3-4 times. This brings down the price per cup of the tea. (I have not found re-steeping most Herbals or Rooibos to be worth it taste wise). Also, only re-steep your tea within a 24 hour period. After that, it's time to throw out the leaves or use them as fertilizer in your garden.
How to prepare Matcha:For Matcha beginners: Use 1/8 to 1/2 tsp per 8 oz of water. Add a small amount of 180 - 190 degree water, whisk into a smooth paste, add rest of water and whisk again. Matcha is best when consumed quickly to maintain the frothy texture. As you become accustomed to Matcha, feel free to up the amount according to taste.